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Thank you for your support of or participation in our second annual Holiday Home Decorating Contest to benefit St. Mary's Food Pantry (find out how to support the Food Pantry below), sponsored by Pat Camputaro of American Industries.

See you next year!

2021 Winners and Honorable Mentions

The public's votes are in! Congratulations to the winners of our 2021 Holiday Home Decorating Contest. There were some incredible displays in 2021, which resulted in TWO ties and three honorable mentions:

  • Biggest “Wow” Factor: Tie between 65 Kenwood Estates, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #1) and 5 Kelci Circle, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #15)

  • Most Unique Design: 1015 Voluntown Road, Griswold CT, 06351 (Entry #3)

  • Best use of White Lights / Most Elegant: Tie between 17 Goldstein Road, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #2) and 153 George Palmer Road, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #10)

  • Best use of Animation and/or Audio Special FX: 85 Colonel Brown Road, Griswold CT 06351 (Entry #8)

  • Notable Holiday Theme: 53 Mechanic Street, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #5)

  • Honorable Mentions: 2 Pauline Place, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #4), 27 Amy Rd, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #6), 1184 Voluntown Road, Griswold, CT 06351 (Entry #9)

Prizes for each winner include a $50 Cash Prize, an ECPAA gift card to use towards any upcoming program, and a yard sign for bragging rights!

Members of the greater-Griswold community are encouraged to drive around and view all houses that registered for the contest, as well as our 2020 winner at 64 Kenwood Estates, Griswold, CT 06351. Plan your evening drive from our interactive Google Map or address list.


Follow ECPAA on social media at @ecpaact (Facebook, Instagram) for updates!

2021 Contest Sponsored by:
Support the St. Mary's Food Pantry

Please support our beneficiary, St. Mary's Food Pantry, and their mission to feed the hungry by donating non-perishable food items or providing a cash donation. 

Food donations are accepted at St. Mary's Rectory at 34 North Main Street in Jewett City. You can donate non-perishable food items at the Rectory in three ways:

  1. on the small table on the front porch of the Rectory (anytime)

  2. in the gray bin located next to the stairs at the driveway between Leffler's Funeral Home and the Rectory (anytime)

  3. behind the Rectory on a wooden table in the middle bay of the garage (Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm) 

You can also donate at St. Mary's Church (follow the weekend Mass schedule).

Suggested non-perishable food items include Canned Carrots, Canned Green Beans, Canned Mixed Vegetables, Canned Potatoes, Canned Soups, Peanut Butter, and Juice Boxes.

To make a monetary donation: make checks payable to 'St. Mary Food Pantry,' and place envelopes labeled St. Mary Food Pantry through the mail slot in the front door of the St. Mary Rectory or mail them to 24 North Main Street, Jewett City, CT 06351.

If you have questions about the Food Pantry, please call 860-376-2044 x 108.

Thank you for your donation!

Volunteers Packing Food
Food Pantry

The Eastern Connecticut Performing Arts Association (ECPAA) is a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization. ECPAA's mission is to revitalize the region's love for the arts, as well as train and support a new generation of artists through arts education programs that promote life-long learning.

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